Facilitating High Speed Creative Strategic Thinking to Achieve Your Goals

Theodore Levitt said “the future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious”.  This has never been truer. The challenge for organisations is to provide the 'wherewithal' to explore and develop potential opportunities faster and with greater success.

Bill Jarrard Mindwerx facilitation with engineers

That is the people, time, resources and most importantly the strategic focus to be successful. Failure to do so is simply 'wishing' for possibilities to emerge and innovation to materialize.

A proven way to turn wishes into realities is to focus your creative energy in a disciplined and creative way, and by working with a uniquely qualified facilitator, you can achieve significant gains faster than ever before.

For almost 25 years, as an Imagineer with Mindwerx International and now also with Leadership Victoria, and even before I started Mindwerx, I have been facilitating strategic thinking and team creativity using the latest group facilitation methods. 

These facilitations are always designed with the leaders I work with, but many follow the Mindwerx Applied Creativity & Innovation process, using Deliberate Creative Thinking tools and technology such as our Zing Team System as enablers for highly collaborative and creative workshops. When well facilitated, teams get into the 'flow' of creativity quickly, and advance to significantly better outcomes much faster.

Professional facilitation brings considerable value to the team process, whether that process supports problem solving project teams, cross-functional strategic teams, or large groups working to ideate new product/service concepts. When facilitated using Deliberate Creative Thinking methods, tools and technologies this advantage is enhanced as teams are able to:

  • balance the three key elements of any meeting - Focus, People and Time

  • focus on the often multi-layered expectations of the group while ensuring that real results are achieved

  • genuinely explore the current situation in a parallel and collaborative manner

  • creatively generate new ideas and make better decisions - faster

Bill Jarrard Mindwerx facilitation with Lawyers

To learn more about the approach I've been using with Mindwerx clients for more than 25 years have a look at our website. Or don't hesitate and just contact me now on bill@mindwerx.com or call me on +61 (0)419 645 299.

I have facilitated teams of all sorts and sizes around Australia and overseas, and will go to where you need me (almost).


"Bill is one of the best facilitators I’ve ever been involved with. Not only his knowledge on the
subject and tools, but he also shared with us his knowledge on other things
not part of the program (Camtasia, blogs, different types of things they are
trying on their websites) – this was above what
was expected as part of the course."
…Danielle Condon, Simplot Australia

“I think last week was the beginning of something great for the company. It demonstrated the power and potential of the deliberative creative thinking techniques not only in relation to our divisional
functional area but to other divisions. I see their application being of even greater
benefit in exploring new products and services, and growing revenues."

    … Tony Fedorowicz, Supply Chain Manager, Orica Explosives

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Zing team technology in action. Harnessing the collective genius of participants and enhancing collaboration.

Zing team technology in action. Harnessing the collective genius of participants and enhancing collaboration.